Enrollment Form
I acknowledge and agree to the KatieYoga Liability Waiver. (See below.)
    Strength: Very Weak

    Liability Waiver

    It is essential that you take responsibility for your own health and safety while engaging with KatieYoga (ABN 13 207 512 147). By purchasing or participating in any KatieYoga events, yoga classes, retreats, teacher training, or other goods and services, you acknowledge and agree to the following:

    • My health and physical condition are my responsibility. I understand and agree that every form of exercise carries some degree of inherent risks, dangers and hazards, including the risk of personal injury or death to the participant. In participating in any such activities with KatieYoga, I do so at my own risk.  I further understand and agree that some exercises are not appropriate for every individual. I understand and agree I am responsible for making sure my health and physical condition permit me to engage with KatieYoga and it is my responsibility to consult with a health-care professional prior to engaging with KatieYoga, and on an ongoing basis while I continue to engage with KatieYoga. I understand KatieYoga is relying on me to seek expert advice for my personal situation and by engaging with KatieYoga I agree I have sought such advice.


    • I release KatieYoga from any liability. I understand the risks involved in engaging with KatieYoga and I understand accidents and incidents can happen. I am also aware that it is a condition of admission to KatieYoga premises and a condition of my use, purchase, and/or participation in any KatieYoga events, yoga classes, retreats, teacher training or other goods and services that KatieYoga, its directors, instructors, members, servants or agents are absolved from all liability howsoever arising from injury or damage howsoever caused (whether fatal or otherwise) arising out of my use, purchase, and/or participation in any KatieYoga events, yoga classes, retreats, or other goods and services or in any way whatsoever due to any negligent act, breach of duty, default or omission on the part of this KatieYoga, its directors, instructors, members, servants or agents. By proceeding to engage with KatieYoga, I agree I am releasing KatieYoga from any such liability for any injury, damage or loss of any kind.


    • I release KatieYoga from any liability when engaging with their online goods and services. I understand and agree that using technology to access online goods and services carries some degree of risk, dangers and hazards, including the risk of personal injury, compromised personal data and compromised technology. By proceeding to engage with KatieYoga, I agree I am releasing KatieYoga, its directors, instructors, members, servants or agents from any liability for any injury, damage or loss of any kind to myself and any other participants who are participating with me.


    • I agree any Claim/s will only be brought to a Court of Law in Western Australia. I confirm that the Laws of the State of Western Australia will apply to my legal relationship with KatieYoga and agree that any claim brought by me against KatieYoga, its directors, instructors, members, servants or agents shall be brough in and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Western Australia.